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Program Types:


   Search terms:

Instructions:    (never enter the single quotes used in the examples below)
-- Separate Search Terms with blank spaces - example: 'Bahamas Cruise'
-- Search Terms are not case sensitive
-- This function will only search text portions of the items, not text in images
Boolean Operators you may use:
-- If you want to match a phrase exactly, enclose it in double quotes: "Bahamas Cruise" will not match 'Bahamas' or 'Cruise' or 'Bahamas Beach Cruise'
-- Search terms have an implied OR between them, so 'Bahamas Cruise' (without the double quotes) will find items containing 'Bahamas' and/or 'Cruise' and will find 'Bahamas Beach Cruise'
-- To require that a term be present in the result, precede it with a plus sign: 'Bahamas +Cruise' - this will find all Cruise items, including those to the 'Bahamas' while '+Bahamas +Cruise' will only find cruises to the Bahamas, but the terms do not have to be together as with "Bahamas Cruise"
-- To exclude a term, precede it with a minus sign: '-Bahamas Cruise' - this will find all cruises except those to the Bahamas
-- You can use a wildcard character (*) at the end of a term - example 'Presiden*' will find President, Presidential, President-elect, Presidency, etc.

Program Update:
We no longer have separate RSVPs for In-Person and On-Line Events. For events available in both formats, select which event format you will attend by answering the 'Hybrid Program' question.
Upcoming Events...

May 2024
Thu, May 23, 2024 - Sun, May 26, 2024 -- All Day Event
Reunions 2024 - Our 45th!
Our theme is "Family Classics." We are intentionally building on our popular (and award winning) "We are Family" 40th Reunion theme, and riffing on our wonderfully drawn '79 Family logo, by '79er Phil Witte.

We will be posting additional details as we get closer, so check back often - monitor the 45th Reunion Page ([Link]
