Princeton Class of 1979 News!


Princeton University

Class of 1979


LETTER #1 January 2018


Well, Wit’s letters were so successful that they motivated long lost roomies Holder and Blair to return to Old Nassau for the first time for the 35th reunion. They had such a great time reconnecting with Wit and many others, they volunteered to help Wit write the dispatches and pose for a picture as we march first to our 39th Reunion and then our next major reunion, our 40th!

Each month, for the next 18 months, we will write to you with memories, random thoughts and information about both the 39th and 40th reunion. The three of us will take turns as we march forward. Holder insisted on drafting the first letter because, as a feline, he has the closest ancestry to the beloved Princeton Mascot.


Dear Classmates,

Greetings from Holder! I hope many of you remember seeing me at the 35th Reunion where I enjoyed roaring (well meowing, I did my best) to the sounds of great music, prancing in the P-Rade and reconnecting with so many old friends.

Mark your calendar for our next reunion:


Our 39th Reunion!

May 31 – June 3, 2018
If you haven’t attended an off year reunion, consider doing so this year. Reconnect with friends from both ’79 and ’78, enjoy the P-Rade and attend our Class Luncheon that will likely be held at “Old Dial Lodge”. We had it there last year and it was a wonderful place for about 50 or so fellow ’79 Tigers. But let’s have 100 this year! Little known fact – off year reunions are free!!!

Did you know………we are the only class that has a “Theme” for off year reunions – we’ve had one four years in a row!

Spoiler alert……stay tuned for an official launch to the 40th reunion We Are Family!

Finally, and I suppose because I am a feline, one of the fun things I did at our last reunion was attend a campus tour. I admit I did not notice when we were in school, there are literally hundreds of tigers on the Princeton Campus. We all know the regal tigers in front of Nassau Hall (they kinda look like me, don’t you think?). But did you ever notice this one?


Meow, Your Classmate,
Holdie (nickname back in the day)

Class of 1979
c/o Office of Alumni Affairs
Princeton University
P.O. Box 291
Princeton, NJ 08542-0291
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