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Princeton University

Class of 1979


A Note from Diane Edelman, Peggy Russell and Tony Rodriguez, our 40thReunion Committee Alumni-Faculty Forum Co-Chairs…


Dear ‘79ers,


Planning for our 40th Reunion on is going strong!


The Reunion Committee would like to involve you in our planning efforts as we move forward in this process.  In particular, we’d love to get your feedback and interest in the Alumni-Faculty Forums (AFF) program, which features panels of speakers from major reunion classes, moderated by current faculty members.  As you may recall, there are close to twenty AFF panels at every reunion; they are about one hour in length and are relatively casual – no research required!


At our 35th, classmates spoke on panels on life after Princeton, healthcare policy, alumni in the world’s service, civil rights, modern conservatism, entrepreneurship, and a perennial favorite, books that changed your life.  


This year, the Class Affairs & Reunions Office has prepared this survey to determine the interests of the major reunion classes in different panel topics. Please click on the link and take a few minutes to complete this survey by Friday, September 21.  Feel free to suggest classmates, or even yourself (don’t be shy!), as potential panelists.  The topic and speaker selection process takes place over the next several months, and we’d greatly appreciate your input.


Thanks very much!


Class of 1979
c/o Office of Alumni Affairs
Princeton University
P.O. Box 291
Princeton, NJ 08542-0291
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